The Domestic Harmonizer Program (DHP) is created by The Whitaker Peace & Development Initiative (WPDI).
The DHP supports schools by providing resources and workshops in peace education. We provide transformative tools for the whole school culture. Our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model is focused on helping all members of the school community by learning communication tools centered on restorative practices, such as conflict resolution education, negotiation, peer mediation, social-emotional learning, and dialogue. Our approach helps schools focus on creating healthy learning environments by providing additional support for students, teachers and parents to resolve conflict peacefully and constructively. For each of our educational partnerships, WPDI offers a wide array of services, including peer mediation training, in-class lessons for students, professional development training for educators, parenting workshops, conflict coaching, PBIS support for administrators, and advocacy events.
Our PBIS model embraces the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework to provide general and targeted approaches to conflict resolution education, restorative practices, and social-emotional learning (SEL) for all members of the school community. This approach is grounded in skills, processes, and tools that help create positive learning environments through restorative practices. In Tier 1, we deliver educational workshops to students, parents, and educators in basic conflict resolution skills. In Tier 2, we train small cohorts of students in peer mediation so that they can help disputants resolve their conflicts peacefully. Tier 3 works with core groups of educators and students to support the school’s social-emotional needs by providing an expert group of peer-to-peer mentors with higher levels of skill development in SEL.
Our Services
School Partnerships – WPDI is pleased to partner with schools in the United States to offer customized Conflict Resolution Education (CRE). Our partnerships include customized training for students, educators, and parents in various topics, including but not limited to communication and negotiation, social-emotional learning, peer mediation, and restorative justice. We also offer curriculum integration services for educators to help tailor our curriculum to their academic lessons in science, math, English Language Arts, social studies, arts, and physical education. Our consultation on content area standard is based on our evidence-based curriculum that is focused on CRE integration, and we offer demonstration lessons and co-teaching opportunities based on teacher request. Our local school partnerships also offer ongoing support for implementing school-wide PBIS and restorative practices.
Conflict Coaching – The Domestic Harmonizer Program’s experts are pleased to offer virtual conflict coaching to educators across the United States. Interested teachers and administrators in schools around the nation can contact our team to receive support in constructive ways in navigating and negotiating school-based conflicts. We specialize in providing conflict coaching in interpersonal challenges between staff and students. Our virtual sessions are confidential and free of charge to educators. This involves a dive into understanding perspectives, emotions, and needs of self and others.
PBIS Support – Schools across the United States can receive support from the Domestic Harmonizer Program’s expert staff in establishing their school’s PBIS model using our program’s curriculum and resources. Our team helps guide administrators and teachers on how to implement strategies and practices to have a whole-school impact. Interested schools can contact our team to set up virtual meetings to engage in ways to implement our restorative educational resources and systems.